The COVID Pandemic Will Only End When The Global Economy Financial Collapse Completely

The COVID Pandemic Will Only End When The Global Economy Financial Collapse Completely

The corona virus COVID pandemic has last for over 2 years, and with all the news and events in all around the globe, I can confident say that the only condition for this virus pandemic end is the whole world economy finance system collapse totally. When that will happen?
There are only 2 possibility and scenarios:
1. The natural mega disaster occur that strong and big enough to shutdown all the trading route.
2. All nations come to the table to discuss and vote on all proposals about how the new global economy finance system will operating.

But the new economy system must not only about money, finance, fair trade but must have 1 big feature which is about “human development evolution”.

All nations must come to the table if you use this strategy: few nations sell their oil/gas/petrol with various currencies with difference exchange rate.

Nation A sell: 1 oil = 1 US Dollar = 2 Euro = 10 Chinese Yuan = 15 Rub = 20 India Rupee = 100 Japanese Yen.
Nation B sell: 1 oil = 1 Euro = 2 Chinese Yuan = 3 US Dollar = 5 Rub = 10 India Rupee = 300 Japanese Yen.
Nation C sell: 1 oil = 1000 copper = 100 silver = 5 gold.
Nation D sell: 1 oil = 1 gold = 4 silver = 500 copper.
Nation E sell: 1 oil = 1 tons of rice = 1 tons of wheat.

You can have endless reasons for above sudden actions like:
– The COVID pandemic have shown that we cannot rely only on the US Dollar. Or money is worthless it is all about the goods/products that can keep us to survive like corn, rice, wheat, bean, etc.
– We no longer use any international exchange rate but we will sell our oil/gas/petrol for the currencies that we really needed for national security.
– The trade war are stupid, we want it to an end. All nations must come to the table to have real discussion and design new economic system.

That is the only way to end the COVID pandemic, there is no any other way.
The question and decision about how the global economy system operating and the structure is up to all nations to vote on.

I don’t see any other option to choose from above strategy of changing the way sell oil/gas/petrol to force all the authority/government to stop play game and work together.

Best Regard,
The Savior
The Illusion Cyber Group

The Winning Strategy To End The Corona Virus COVID Pandemic Is Fasting, Not Vaccine

The Winning Strategy To End The Corona Virus COVID Pandemic Is Fasting, Not Vaccine

There are enough time to have a conclusion that the “vaccine strategy” is not working and cannot win against the war vs the dangerous corona virus COVID.
Because can the authority/government “guarantee” the COVID “stop” evolve and will never upgrade to higher level?
The answer is NO!
Some real life example are the new variant of “Delta, Omicron” recently.

The only winning strategy against the dangerous corona virus COVID is improving human health in general via FASTING FOOD !
That is the only way that will lead humanity to final victory against the COVID.

To know more, you can read my new book Fasting Like Jesus, Buddha To End The Corona Virus NCOVID Pandemic Event:

If you think the book are great, feel free to share to your friends/families and make some donation please.

Best Regard,
The Savior
The Illusion Cyber Group